My name is Mel. I am 26 years old and have had an extreme passion for dieting and exercise for as long as I can remember. 

This being said I grew up slightly overweight and lived very unhealthily. I hated being the "chubby kid" at school and once I was old enough to be in control of the way I ate and exercised I got obsessed.

 It went badly, I had an eating disorder and lost alot of weight. Basically its taken me 10 years to perfect how I eat in a healthy way and I just want to help!

Almost every single person I speak to has had issues with either the way they look or eat or the lack of exercise and nutritious food they consume

Every time I leave the house some one will comment on how "good I look after having two children" and will ask how I get to look like this.The first thing I point out is that how i look is just one thing, how I FEEL is everything. 

Also having children is no excuse to "let your self go" and infact if you ask me cherishing your body and fueling with good foods is so important once having small children.

deserve it and so do your children.You are their greatest role model!

Set them up with healthy habits, show them that healthy can be fun and let them see how happy and healthy you are and its almost certain they will follow those footsteps

.I am no expert in the aspect of Qualifications, but if you ask me...which is of course why you are here reading my website

.I have lived over weight, I have lived under weight, I have lived with Gestational Diabetes, I have lived with Breastfeeding an infant, I have had two children in 2 years and remain the weight I was prior to getting pregnant.

This is not due to my "genetics" this is due to my passion and my hard work and that is my qaulification.

I dont mind what you think but just know I want to help, and even if I help 1 lady feel and look her best my job is done.